MB Crusher's new screening bucket for Middle East


At the BIG 5 Dubai, MB Crusher, attachment specialist, providing materials processing equipment to the recycling, demolition, construction, landscaping and waste management industries, will be showcasing crushing and screening buckets for the Middle East market.

This includes the new hydraulic drum cutter MB-R800 and MB-LS220 - the first screening bucket designed specifically for owners of loaders and backhoe loaders from 12 tonnes to 35 tonnes.
The MB-R800 is suitable for concrete wall and surface profiling, trenching, rock excavation, demolition and dredging for any use in urban areas and also on restricted jobsites.
The new MB-LS220 allows optimisation of loaders and backhoe loaders, transforming them in a few minutes into an efficient mobile screening plant, able to process debris in all the process phases.
As it does not need to operate over the heap of material, as otherwise required by other excavators screeners, the MB-LS220, facilitates and speed the processing of the material on different sides of the same construction site. Used in any type of process for separation of waste or natual materials, the MB-LS220 can sift material of various sizes, used for example in drainage jobs to obtain an end production to use it in the coverage of underground pipelines for protection. MB-LS220 allows to reduce up to 60 per cent the crushing time and allows to recover materials and heandle it in the best way.
There are many applications for the new screening bucket: used in any type of process for separation of waste or natural materials. The new MB-LS220 can sift material of various sizes, used for example in drainage jobs to obtain an end product to use it in the coverage od underground pipelines for protection. [..]

MB-R800 rock grinder

MB-R800 rock grinder

MB-LS200 screener bucket