FIVE MINUTERS WITH... Najmeddine Sahraoui, MB Crusher


MB Crusher's regional manager for the Middle East, Najmeddine Sahraoui tells Construction Week about the manufacturer's priorities for the coming year

FIVE MINUTERS WITH... Najmeddine Sahraoui, MB Crusher

How would you assess the Middle East's construction equipment market at present?
In relation to our experience, the construction market in the Middle East is still growing, and offers quite important sales opportunities.

FIVE MINUTERS WITH... Najmeddine Sahraoui, MB Crusher

How has business been for MB Crusher in the Middle East during the past year?
Starting from our first bucket sold in the region at least 10 years ago, our presence in the territory has been constantly increasing. 2015, in particular, was a special growing period for us in the Middle East, and [we expect additional megaprojects] in the next four to six years. We have many crusher buckets and screening buckets that are working at important sites across the Middle East, including road construction, metro, quarry, and demolition project.

What are MB Crusher's plans for the Big 5 2016?
The Big 5 2016 will be an excellent opportunity to interact with potential customers. We think that our constant presence at the most important exhibition in the region is necessary to obtain contacts from all over the Middle East, and start new, important relationships. We are consolidating our business relations to give more confidence to our clients.

What are MB Crusher's priorities in the Middle East for 2017?
Our priority is to inform the potential clients about a completely new concept of crushing, and make people understand the great advantages in terms of saving time, money and staff, without forgetting environmental sustainability. Our strategy is to work closely with our dealer network in order to understand customers' needs, and to sell with competence and professionalism.