MB Crusher clean cities project

Globally, millions of tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) are generated every day. Urban waste management is drawing increasing attention, as it can easily be observed that too much garbage is lying uncollected in the streets, causing inconvenience, environmental pollution, and posing a public health risk. In many parts of Europe, municipalities and businesses must now quantify their waste and recycle part of it, to keep their communities and environment clean. It is in this perspective that the borough of Normandy- France- has chosen to equip with our screening bucket MB-LS170 to screen the waste collected by road sweepers.
To dispose it correctly a separation of the fine soil from other waste like wood, plastic, cans, etc. need to take place. In this process the MB-LS170 is not just a screening bucket, it represents the evolution of the sifting concept. A simple and effective technology for all those operators who are in need of selecting scrap but which, until now, did not have a solution that could be easily adapted to their fleet machinery. This specific screener is designed for 6.5 to 11 ton loader and backhoe loader and works with any brand, just plug and work.
All MB screeners are equipped with a basket with interchangeable modular panels to allow a quick change of size. The unique and innovative cone shape of the basket is specifically designed to significantly increase the performance of hourly production and screen all material collected without residues.
Cleaning the cities and reducing waste with MB CRUSHER also means preserving the planet.​