Problem solved in South Africa by replacing 3 machines with 1

"Problem solved" is how Roland from Wynland Grondverskuiwing company described a jaw crusher bucket for excavators made by MB Crusher after they crushed around 2000 m3 in 8 days.

Wynland Grondverskuiwing landed a job where there was a huge amount of recycling to do, they needed a crusher.
Bringing to the site a big crusher was costly. Also to operate it would have required an excavator permanently working and a loader to keep the plant fed. With a crusher plant, they needed three machines and 2 operators.

The ultimate solution: the BF90.3 crusher bucket installed on the Komatsu PC210 that they already had at the site. Replacing 3 machines with only 1.

If you want to achieve the same get an MB Crusher unit!


From a pile of wastage to certified G6 and G5

Building a chicken farm in this area has given them lots of tons of sandstone mixed with slightly clay material. The excavator crusher bucket made by MB Crusher has a fully adjustable output setting and they obtained the G6 and G5 material.

MB Crusher is at all effects a jaw crusher, the only difference is that it works using the hydraulic system of the carrier is mounted on, being a bucket crusher the output produced is very regular so Wynland Gronverskuiwing took the lab test and its G5 and G6 have been certified and can be used for roads building.

Do you want to use your excavator to make sub-base material? get the unit that suits your machine.


The savings and the effective production

How much has Roland saved in the 8 days that he used the crusher bucket?

The 40,000 rand that would have cost him to establish a bigger crusher, and the cost to run a loader and the operator to keep the plant fed.

But how did he achieve 2000 m3 in short a short time?

The small size he crushes is G5 which is 40 mils and down, and the size of the input material is various so their production starts from 12 cubes an hour of the finer material.

They run operation 24 hours as even if the production rate is a little lower than a mobile plant, the fact that is it run by one machine and one operator only makes it cost-effective to run in shifts and keep it running all day.
