4 Reasons to Recover Concrete

Concrete is the most commonly used man-made material on earth. Its popularity is given by its strength, durability, and versatility. These properties make it a sturdy and long-lasting option for numerous domestic and commercial settings. Consequently, every construction project has its share of concrete waste. Concrete is so durable and long-lasting that it can easily be repurposed.

Are you looking for ways to recover concrete in a fast and effective manner?
Begin by transforming your Heavy Machinery into Concrete Crushers with MB Crusher attachments


Phase one of recovery is a crushing one! 

Today, we bring you an ABC guide to the remarkable experience of utilizing an MB Crusher bucket, focusing on the testimonials of our Canadian users who will disclose the countless advantages of MB Crusher buckets, and how they transformed challenges into opportunities.

A is for Advantages:

The first letter in our ABC guide stands for the numerous Advantages that come with using an MB Crusher bucket MB-L160 on a skid steer CAT 289D3.  Traditional methods of concrete disposal often lead to wastage and environmental concerns. However, with the MB Crusher bucket, these challenges are transformed into opportunities aka ''free concrete'' as Russell from RPM Development said. The bucket effortlessly crushes concrete, allowing Russell to repurpose waste material instead of filling up landfills. This not only contributes to sustainability but also saves costs associated with waste disposal and material purchasing. 


B is for Bucket Transformation:

Shane the shop foreman and manager of Gateway Builders has explained how MB Crusher is the bucket transformation. 7 months into using its MB-L160 with the CAT908 skid he no longer needs specialised equipment dealing with reinforced concrete. 

Bars and wire don't get jammed up, MB Crusher attachment can transform any brand of heavy machines into an efficient concrete crusher, making it a flexible and cost-effective solution for a wide range of applications.


C is for Crushing Convenience:

Crushing concrete with the MB Crusher bucket offers unparalleled Convenience. Traditional methods often involve waiting for trucks to transport materials, causing delays and downtime. With the crusher bucket, Robin does not need to wait around. 

Robin Wood Contractor has chosen the BF90.3 for his CAT 320E excavator, reducing the logistical hassles associated with material transportation, waiting for the material delivery and the cost of purchasing.


D is for Dollars Saved:

The financial benefits of using an MB Crusher bucket are significant as Steve pointed out after using the bucket for approximately 10 years. An MB-L140 for his Case 465 skid steer and all the concrete slabs can be repurposed without any disposal costs. This not only reduces expenditure but also minimizes the environmental impact. 


In conclusion, as Russell, Shane, Robin and Steve told us transforming their fleet of heavy machines into a powerful crusher is also easy and operator-friendly, MB Crusher hydraulic attachments are easy to install, easy to use and easy to maintain. 

Embrace the future with MB Crusher, where waste becomes a valuable resource and efficiency knows no bounds.